Privacy and Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy of this website

This Privacy Policy applies to the website and regulates the processing of personal data carried out by Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi, for the purpose of carrying out the activity of selling products through the website https:// and, with your consent, for marketing purposes.

With this information, also provided pursuant to art. 13 Regulation (EU 2016/679), the management methods of the website are described with reference to the processing of data of users who consult it. Following consultation of this site, or user registration on the site itself, data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons may in fact be processed.

The information below complies with the provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and EU Regulation no. 679/2016 regarding the protection of personal data.

The Data Controller

The Data Controller is Alessandra Schiavi,

Contacts: +39 055 2286394,

The type of data collected and the purposes of the processing

The personal data that Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi collects and processes include name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, tax code or VAT number and any other information of an optional nature.

Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi collects and processes the personal data voluntarily provided by the user to carry out all the activities of selling products through the site and strictly connected activities (by way of example only: fraud prevention, management of returned products, warranty of products, customer support, participation in initiatives offered on the site, request to Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi for information relating to the purchase of products or sending communications relating to such activities).

Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi will also process the user's personal data to assert or defend a right in court and for the fulfillment of obligations established by laws, regulations and community legislation.

In compliance with the provisions of art. 5 of Regulation no. 679/2016, the collection of users' personal data by Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi will only concern adequate, pertinent and strictly necessary data in order to carry out sales activities as well as any other connected activity.

Furthermore, with the estimate, as well as the free and optional consent of the user, Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi will be able to process the user's personal data also for marketing purposes, i.e. to send the user via newsletter, sms or whatsapp messages, information on products, information on Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi and on events organized by Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi including any invitations to such events. The user will always have the possibility to revoke his consent to the sending of the newsletter by sending an email with an explicit request to .

The provision of personal data

The provision of data by the user is necessary for the performance of product sales activities through the site and related activities. Furthermore, the provision of personal data of the user is mandatory to fulfill provisions of an administrative nature; any failure to provide personal data by the user in the cases indicated above will make it impossible for the user to receive products and services, and the answers and information requested on the site

The provision of data by the user for marketing purposes, as specified above, is free and optional; in this case, any failure to provide it will have no consequence.

The storage location of the collected personal data

The personal data collected will be processed by Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi. The user is invited to consult the section of the Privacy Policy relating to the scope of communication of personal data for further information.

Cookies and tags

Cookies are data files used following user registration on the site and stored on the user's computer hard drive. The site uses cookies and other interactive technologies, such as tags, for specific purposes, i.e. to offer the user easier navigation on the site and allow easier access to it, as well as for internal security purposes, statistical analysis (for example, traffic on the Site) and system administration. The so-called session cookies are stored in a temporary memory and are deleted when the user closes the browser.

The cookies and tags used by Dragonfly Firenze do not allow Dragonfly Firenze any control over the user's computer. Dragonfly Firenze does not use cookies or tags to access information stored on the user's computer and to monitor user operations.

The site may contain links to other sites. Dragonfly Firenze does not exercise any control, and cannot be held responsible, with respect to cookies and other technologies used to track users present on websites accessible from the site, on any content and material published on such sites. The present

Privacy Policy applies only to Dragonfly Firenze as defined above.

Processing methods

The Data Controller carries out the necessary treatments in compliance with the national legislation on privacy, as well as in compliance with EU Regulation n. 679/2016.

The treatment is mainly carried out using electronic instruments; however, users' personal data can also be processed by manual means, always with organizational methods and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated.

Dragonfly Firenze will process personal data in compliance with current provisions on security in order to minimize the risk of destruction and loss, even accidental, of data, unauthorized access, processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the purposes of data collection. data and illicit or incorrect use of data.

Communication of personal data

The user's personal data will be accessible to employees of Dragonfly Firenze and/or third-party companies appointed by Dragonfly Firenze to carry out activities on the site.

The complete and updated list of the Data Processors and of the subjects to whom the data is communicated can be obtained upon written request to be sent to Dragonfly Firenze.

The user's personal data may be disclosed to professionals, collaborators, legal entities and third parties who perform services of a technical and organizational nature which Dragonfly Firenze may use for the processing purposes specified above. These subjects will process the data as owners, managers or persons in charge of processing, depending on the case, for the purposes specified above and in full compliance with the current legislation indicated above; they are provided only with the information necessary to carry out their relative functions. The user's personal data will not be disclosed in any way.

Storage period

Pursuant to Regulation no. 679/2016, the data are processed for the time necessary to perform the service requested by the user; the latter can always request the interruption of the treatment or the cancellation of the data. In particular, considering that the purposes described above involve various charges (relating, for example, to the product guarantee), it should be noted that users' personal data are kept for a period not exceeding 38 months.

Rights of the interested party

At any time, pursuant to art. 7 Legislative Decree 196/2003 and articles from 15 to 22 of EU Regulation no. 2106/679, the user can exercise the following rights:

to. access to personal data;

b. to obtain the rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the treatment that concern him;

c. to obtain information about the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated and, when possible, the retention period;

d. to oppose the treatment;

And. data portability;

f. to revoke the consent, at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation;

g. to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

The exercise of your rights can take place by sending a request by e-mail to the dedicated address

Updates and Changes

This privacy policy is a document that is constantly updated; therefore, the data controller reserves the right to make changes at any time by giving notice to users on this page.


Cookies are used on the website. This term indicates small text files that the sites visited by the user send to his terminal (usually the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user. While browsing a site, the user can; also receive cookies from different websites or web servers on your terminal (so-called "third-party" cookies); this happens because on the website visited there may be elements such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located.

With this document, pursuant to articles 13 and 122 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, Dragonfly Firenze di Alessandra Schiavi, with registered office in Florence (FI - Italy), Via Dante da Castiglione n.11 (PI 07106450484 and CF SCHLSN75T69D612Y), as data controller, informs you that on its website There are two types of cookies:

1. session cookies;

2. statistical cookies.

Session cookies

The use of so-called session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the site.

The session cookies used by the website are:

frontend: duration 1 hour;

cookie_enabled: value 1, duration 1 hour;

cookie_policy: value 1, duration 1 year.

Statistical cookies

The statistical cookies used by the website are:

_ga: validity 2 years;

_gat: value 1, duration 10 minutes.

These are Google Analytics cookies that collect information in aggregate form in order to monitor and analyze access to all areas of the site. The information generated by the cookie on the use of the website is communicated to Google Inc. whose website

Any personal data contained in the cookies on the website are not disclosed and are processed with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are applied to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access or access that does not comply with the purposes of collection.

The subjects to whom the processed data refer enjoy the rights referred to in article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 which they can exercise at any time by writing to the e-mail address, or at the headquarters of the owner .